Sign manufacturers are moving in droves toward LED lighting for their signs. The future is extremely bright for LED modules, while neon lights are falling sharply in usage. According to, “Although there’s still a place for neon, Jim Fasset, owner of Aries Graphics International, is an active participant in the LED revolution. Aries recently launched an LED Wizard add-on feature for its Sign Wizard software.” This software breakthrough lays out LED modules within channel letters and allows adjustment of each module’s position and tracks its power usage. This type of authentic simulation allows sign makers to adjust for shadows, power needs, uniformity in lighting and potential installation issues.
This software will invariably add to the already numerous benefits of LED lighting over neon. LED modules energy efficiency already make them very attractive. “Considering the focus on energy consumption, LED’s are dominating the growth in the channel letters market,” Fasset says. Also, when neon lights reach their end they fail completely, rather than gradually like LEDs. This gradual dimming gives a business owner time to replace them before they burn out. The future truly just seems to look brighter and brighter for the world of LED.