It is imperative to most business owners to cut waste and maximize profits. Normally they focus on changing pricing, employee pay and expanding products & services. Reducing their energy expenses is often overlooked. There are so many things business owners can do to save on their energy costs. The first step should be a comprehensive energy audit. Business owners often see up to 25% savings after having an energy audit completed. Here are a few of the primary benefits of a professional energy audit:
1. IDENTIFY POTENTIAL HAZARDS: Some issues you may have with equipment or structures may not only be wasteful, but also hazardous. Ill-fitting equipment hook ups, leaks and outdated equipment can all be pointed out during an energy audit.
2. REDUCE YOUR UTILITY BILLS: During your energy audit the performance and efficiency of all equipment that relate to your utility bills will be evaluated, including heating/cooling systems and water heaters. Your actual bills will be reviewed as well to be sure that you are not being over charged or improperly billed.
3. WEATHERIZATION CHECK: Small seasonal changes can lead to big savings. They will evaluate your current weatherization practices and make practical suggestions on improving them to increase savings.
When you are ready for an energy audit, be prepared to listen, take notes and invest in the proper updates. Your upfront investment will save you big in the long term. Your assessment should take no more than 1 day and is well worthe the money and time.